Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Struggles of Setting up a Data Governance Program w/ Rupal Sumaria
You have been asked to start the Data Governance program in your organization. Sounds easy, right? How do you start? How do you define success? Who needs to be part of the team?
Join Tim, Juan and Rupal Sumaria, Head of Governance of Penguin Random House UK to discuss the steps for a successful data governance program and what to avoid.
Key Takeaways
- [00:06 - 03:16] Introduction and Toasts
- [03:17 - 04:51] If you could only keep three apps on your phone, what would they be?
- [04:52 - 07:33] Struggles in setting up a data governance program
- [07:40 - 09:42] Rupal's presentation at the summit
- [09:46 - 13:03] Networking and communicating early while creating the data governance program
- [13:07 - 15:06] Who Rupal was collaborating with while setting up the data governance program
- [15:06 - 17:34] When was the last time you spoke to sales and marketing?
- [17:34 - 19:32] A tailored approach to reaching other departments
- [19:32 - 22:56] Tips for when you're struggling with engagement
- [22:56 - 26:42] Change the game, don't make it boring
- [26:48 - 32:14] Companies have to measure ROI
- [34:14 - 36:54] A four step process to data governance
- [36:54 - 39:10] Where to start, departmentally
- [39:13 - 40:28] Advice for those "stuck" in data governance roles
- [40:28 - 41:34] Is there anything Rupal would have done differently, two years down the line?
- [41:51 - 42:58] Data governance technology
- [43:24 - 45:41] Rupals tip's for navigating processing technology tools
- [45:43 - 48:59] Lightning round
- [49:02 - 56:51] Takeaways
- [57:03 - 59:25] Three questions
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